From Danes to Germans and Everything in between – with Jon Osmont
What to expect:
A guided walking tour of St Peter with Blue Badge Guide Jon Osmont
Take a journey through 1100 years of Island History.
Jersey might be a very small island but it has a fascinating history that belies its tiny size.
Join Blue Badge Guide Jon Osmont on this three hour circular walk, exploring the picturesque lanes running through the centre of the island. Discover the effect that the Danes and the Germans had on our Island’s history and landscape, and find out how the Danish legacy remains present in the administration of the Island today.
Throughout your journey you will explore field systems and agricultural practices. You will uncover magnificent 18th century granite houses, and 20th century German fortifications, not to mention some ancient water mills.
The terrain can, in some parts be uneven, so suitable attire and footwear is recommended.
Meet and finish at the bus stop near The Jersey War Tunnels.
Bus Routes 8 and 28
Booking essential
£15 per person - children free (for a scheduled walking tour from our diary of events)
Private tours available upon request
Contact Jon at Jon@jerseyuncovered.com
Telephone: +44 (0) 7797 735147